Jayne Says
“Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste”: Democrat attempt to take over private industry will not cure the Coronavirus
“As he stepped up to the plate to lead New York through this health crisis facing the entire planet, for a brief shining moment, Andrew Cuomo became a war time leader who bought calm, valuable information, and hope to the battle…he couldn’t keep up the act.”
Bye Bye Bernie?
Is Bernie Sanders a true revolutionary deserving of the die-hard devotion of his believers or will he be bought off again by the Democrat elites for a costly trinket? Will the curtain on his revolution be pulled back exposing a cowardly for sale politico more wedded to the perks of wealth than to the principles of his movement?
It’s Hillary, Stupid!
Coincidences or a perfectly executed political hit by the Biden bunglers? Based on history and Hillary’s recent blatant efforts to get back in the ring, it seems far more probable that it’s Hillary, stupid.
DYSFUNCTIONAL LOVE: America’s passport to a “Dumpster”
The selfish dysfunctional “love” of the “Squad” will not save or build our country.
Who is “out” and who is “in” for Round 1 of the Democrat Presidential Debates?
The solution, not being proposed up until now, is for Joe Biden to skip the first debate.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: the Harvey Weinstein of the Civil Rights movement?
Who made the media “God” with the sole authority to decide whose scandals get covered and whose get covered up?
George Papadopoulos… Swamp Victim?
Listen to Jayne’s interview with President Trump’s unofficial campaign “foreign policy” advisor who is best known as the operative who served as the link to collusion with the Russians.
Mike Strickland: Victim of Political Persecution
An expose on what happens to you if you put a spotlight on left wing hate groups.
AOC: From Bartender to the Most Powerful Member of Congress
It’s a marriage Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s socialist organizers hope to replicate many times over in order to take control of the Democrat Party, House, Senate and White House by 2024.
Dennis Richardson: Oregon Has Lost a Great Man
Rest in well deserved peace, Mr. Richardson. Oregon was a better place with you among us.
Is Ocasio-Cortez “dumber than a door” or a seducer of the “dumbed down”?
Even the great worshipers of “all things Ocasio-Cortez” at the New York Times are blasting the opponents of Amazon coming to New York.
Time to Punish those on the Left Wreaking Havoc with Faux Accusations
If Jussie Smollett gets to claim as a black gay man, all the persecution he has received justifies what he did; the “deja vu” fake news accounts will never stop.
The True Bigots: The Political Left?
Mainstream propagandists perpetuate this ugly myth at every turn; Democrats have turned “playing the race card” into a professional sport.
Put a sock in it “Mr. Kellyanne Conway”
I don’t think I would be that tolerant or open minded if I were in her position. Actually, I do know; I would be mad as hell.
Two Years and Two Days Ago…
Two years and two days ago, an epic earthquake deeply rocked American politics in ways we couldn’t even imagine in our wildest expectations.
If Deceptive Advertising was a Criminal Offense, Opponents of Oregon Ballot Measures Should be Given the Maximum Penalty
If you only saw their twisted marketing and propaganda urging you to vote “no” on these populist solutions to serious problems, you are likely completely clueless about what these measures, if passed, would accomplish.
If playing the “Anita Hill” card to derail Judge Kavanaugh from SCOTUS fails, what will the Democrats/media pull next?
Chairman Grassley of the Senate Judicary Committee has set a Friday deadline for Dr. Ford and her attorney to agree or disagree to testify under oath before the Committee.
Is the Swamp a Massive, Legally-Enabled, Crime Family?
Are we “mad as hell” and not willing to take it anymore or is the Swamp’s perpetual mud throwing and character assassination tearing down the wall of your resolve?